4 Ways to Price Your Services and Get Paid what you’re Worth

One of the biggest struggles of being a solopreneur is figuring out how to price your services to get paid what you’re worth. You don’t want to undervalue yourself or give your services away for cheap or even free. And you surely don’t want to price yourself out of the market. Striking the right balance can be tricky, but I’ve got some tools and knowledge to help you set your prices in a way that feels good and doesn’t undervalue your expertise. As an entrepreneur with years of experience, I understand this struggle well and I’ve learned a few hard lessons when it comes to pricing services in my business.

The problem I see most often is solopreneurs have no idea how to price their services to get paid what they’re worth. They don’t fully understand what costs need to be considered when quoting their services. They either look to see what everyone else is charging or some just pull a number out of the air. Oftentimes we attribute hard work to becoming successful which is definitely a part of it, but when we don’t charge what we’re worth, hard work can easily turn into burnout. Pricing your services correctly from the start can help you fall in love with your business and clients instead of feeling resentment. Plus, when we feel like we’re contributing something good into the world, your energy changes.

Before you continue reading, I just want to take a moment for you to pause and give yourself permission to welcome and even accept abundance.
A lot of times as business owners or solopreneurs, we tie a lot of self-worth to the success of our business.
When it’s good, we feel good. When it’s bad, we feel bad.
It’s ok to want more money. It’s ok to want to feed our families, to pay our mortgage or even to take a vacation.
All the things we dream about are valid and can be possible if we can get into the right daily habits and money mindset and out of our own way.


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So, can you actually find your “sweet spot” and price competitively without losing clients and get paid what you’re worth? And, bonus, feel good about it? Absolutely. Keep reading to learn 4 ways to price your services so you can ensure you’re not leaving any money on the table and get paid what you’re worth.

1: Review your profit margin before quoting.
This might seem to some like a no-brainer, but when we are unsure what to quote, we don’t always look at our hard and soft costs to deliver our services. If you’re not clear on what it costs to work with a client or are just wingin’ it and going by what others are charging, you’re probably leaving money on the table.
To review your profit margins for each service, first, add up all of the costs involved in providing that service. These would be fees like any vendor services if you need to purchase a certain item to complete the project, travel, or tech fees. Also, don’t forget to add yourself and your team’s time to the costs. The total should include not only the hard costs but also the people needed to deliver the service as well. After you have that number, set your desired profit margin on top of those expenses and that is your fee.

2: Negotiate with facts, not emotions.
When it comes to your services, you’re so close to it. You know your own zone of genius the best, but leading with emotions will not help when you’re negotiating a price for your services. If you’re in a position where you are negotiating your rates, bring in facts from past client work, your education, and who you’ve studied under, and leave your emotions at the door. Know before you go in where your numbers need to be to make the project worth it and profitable for your business.
Remember, everyone will perceive your value differently. The problem you solve for one person might be the game changer they needed, while for another is just a nice-to-have. That’s ok, go for the game-changers. They’ll pay your full price, usually with no negotiation, because you add so much value to them. Not everyone is your client and honestly, that’s ok.

3: Say No Vs. Lower Your Price
I know it can feel counterintuitive, but as I said, not everyone is your ideal client. Remember, your client is paying for your genius, and that knowledge is worth something. If you lower your price to appeal to a certain clientele, you can potentially attract more of the wrong clients. It is true what they say, you get what you pay for, and believe it or not sometimes when something is too cheap it drives your ideal client away. They perceive the value at a certain price point and if your fees are way lower than what they expect to pay, they get skeptical about it and ultimately don’t buy.
Passing on low-paying work raises your frequency and when you do that you seek and attract work that is more aligned for you. It also changes your mindset that you deserve that kind of work. Lastly, it also frees you up for bigger, more compelling projects. If you say yes to a lot of low-level work, you will be working non-stop to make ends meet, leaving no space to grow your business. And it’s a recipe for burnout.

4: Know who you serve.
Don’t be afraid to qualify your lead before you invest a bunch of time into him/her. You can do this by putting your prices on your website or talking about money upfront. This practice immediately qualifies your lead. If you are preparing a contract or agreement, be sure to include all the costs associated with a set of services and note that anything above and beyond the agreed-upon scope of work will be an additional cost. This protects you from a client who asks you to do one-off projects. You can go back to the agreement and point out that those services are at the hourly rate you quoted or are subject to their own separate quote for client approval.

I hope this blog has helped you understand you are valuable and an asset. You have so much to offer your clients, so stop selling yourself short. Understand your costs, what outcomes can and have produced for previous clients, and price yourself accordingly.

Our clients have used this free tool to anchor their pricing and evaluate new product offerings. It truly helps you decide where the time, energy, and impact will be the greatest so you can grow a financially healthy business.

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