Celebrating American Business Women’s Day!

Celebrating women in business and looking to the risk takers, the women who want to step out and try something new.

Who wants their 2nd or 3rd chapter in their lives to be the business they have always dreamed of – these are the women that are inspirational.

As I look at each of you navigating your way through the business world while also balancing your personal lives, I celebrate you.

I celebrate and challenge you to push through YOUR fear and find YOUR courage. Amazingly, “courage” is my word for 2022.

Celebrating women who have pushed through fear to find the courage – Cathy McIntosh speaks to this in her contributing blog below.

Women of History Pushed Through Fear to Find Courage—Here’s How to Find Yours

Many of the women who shaped our nation faced extreme circumstances. What set them apart from the rest of society was their ability to display incredible bravery in the face of fear. It’s not likely that you and I will become historical figures, but like the women who modeled greatness in the past, we can overcome challenges and find the courage to fulfill our calling.

Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, spent hours each day learning to speak so she could connect with those around her. Her courage in the face of fear motivated her to achieve her dream of becoming an author, and her story became an inspiration to people all over the world.

Rosa Parks showed tremendous courage by refusing to give up her seat on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Pressing through her own fears helped advance the civil rights movement.

It’s difficult to stand for your beliefs or overcome disabilities. But so is running and growing a business! As leaders of women-owned businesses, it’s important that we press through fear and find courage.

Here are four tips to find courage in the challenges you face every day:

It’s a common misconception that confidence comes through past success. If that were the case, how would anyone succeed the first time? How would they win their first business proposal or competitive tournament?

Confidence is developed by letting go of past mistakes and celebrating every positive experience, no matter how small. It comes from working hard to improve our skills, yes, but also from rebuilding our self-image until we see ourselves in a positive light.

Confidence spurs courage and separates great businesswomen from the average.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

It’s a common misconception that confidence comes through past success. If that were the case, how would anyone succeed the first time? How would they win their first business proposal or competitive tournament?

Confidence is developed by letting go of past mistakes and celebrating every positive experience, no matter how small. It comes from working hard to improve our skills, yes, but also from rebuilding our self-image until we see ourselves in a positive light.

Confidence spurs courage and separates great businesswomen from the average.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what about that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted with something and that this something must be attained.”

-Marie Curie

There’s always something to be learned when you overcome obstacles. And sharing those lessons with others helps strengthen their journey. They can learn from you and avoid some of the same mistakes that held you back. Equally as important, staying focused on helping others will take your focus off your own struggles. And, after all, helping others is likely the reason you started your business endeavor in the first place.

Staying connected to that “why” is a great motivator to push past fear and find courage.

“An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.”

-Lydia M. Child

It’s always easier to find courage when you don’t feel alone. A coach or mentor who has been through the same challenges as you can offer guidance, encouragement, and mental strength. A strong business coach will also help you execute the three points above: maintaining optimism, practicing confidence, and using your challenges to help others. She’ll help you find the courage and overcome fear to become your best self.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

-Oprah Winfrey

Fear can be a very effective tool when it’s faced in a healthy manner.

It can motivate us to achieve our goals and keep us on our toes. It can also be a powerful motivator when we are facing difficult challenges.

Pushing past fear and embracing courage is an essential part of our journey and will lead each of us to amazing achievements.

What fears do you need to overcome today? How can you use optimism, confidence, your “why,” or a coach to help you walk courageously in your business?

Cathy McIntosh is a Business Growth Coach who helps bloggers move from unsure to unstoppable in their journey to make meaningful income online.
She lives in Denver, Colorado, loves the great outdoors, and enjoys coffee and any temperature.
You can find her at www.cathymcintosh.com