If you are just joining us here on the Carlyn Bushman Consulting blog, each month we introduce a clear theme to dive into through discussion and all of our free resources. This month is a big one: Collaboration + Connection. So, we figured what better time to introduce our guest blogger series than during the month of connection + collaboration?!

Without further ado, meet our first guest blogger to start the series, CJ Schneider, owner of Charming Communications.

Guest Blogger: CJ Schneider

I am honored to contribute to the monthly dialogue at Carlyn Bushman Consulting. When I learned that the topic for June is “Collaboration and Connection”, I felt compelled and excited to jump on it and share a bit about my experience regarding collaboration and connection in business, and more specifically social media.

I am passionate about collaborating for many reasons. First, the outcome usually means that at least two businesses are highlighted and have a golden opportunity to show what makes them special. Next, it lifts others up in high esteem and builds confidence. Further, new audiences are reached and the potential for new customers is great.

I own a small business called Charming Communications and we provide social media content development and community engagement. This encompasses social media posts, giveaways, events, trade shows (when they are allowed), and other forms of promotions. When we collaborate, synergy is born. Creative juices not only flow — they burst! Let’s take a giveaway, for example, with products from 3 small businesses. One toddler outfit in a bee print, a bath time scrubber that is eco-friendly and made in a honeycomb design and handcrafted soap made with beeswax and other natural ingredients. The products make up a unique and valuable treat for a new mom in a fun theme. For the participating businesses, they are able to tap into new audiences who follow each business on social media that they might not follow otherwise. Genius! Cost-effective. Fun to watch the natural engagement happen.

So many wonderful things transpire when we collaborate and connect with others. Whether it’s to gain followers, sales or awareness…or to simply bounce ideas off each other. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain when we collaborate.

Here are 4 tips to creating an authentic, mutually beneficial social media collaboration:

1. Look at your current network of friends, family, and service providers. Would that local dry cleaners benefit from offering a discount code if you post about them on Instagram and 400 new potential customers see it? Would your followers be interested in learning about a local artist who sells on Etsy? Look for collaborations that naturally and authentically complement one another. Simply call, stop in or send a DM to get the conversation started. You can see many examples on my business Facebook page where I share a weekly Small Business Saturday feature.

2. Be specific. Tell the business owner what your goal is and how you plan to achieve it. It is beneficial to flush out as many details as possible before approaching each business owner. A put-together, thorough plan will allow them to easily approve or pass on the collaboration.

3. Show examples of past collaborations. This will allow the potential partner to see the potential growth in the collaboration and know that it will be a win, win for all parties involved.

4. Be authentic. Get your creative juices flowing here. You don’t need a perfect script to get your message across. The enthusiasm and delivery of your ask will be enough.

Now, I encourage you to take these tips and work to form a new partnership! Reach out to 3 potential partners this week to get a collaboration in the works!